Two homeschooled kids following a workout

5 Workouts for Homeschool P.E. Class

Homeschooling is a fantastic way to provide children with an education tailored to their individual needs, but it also has its challenges. One challenge that homeschooling families may face is finding ways to incorporate physical activity into their daily routine. Exercise is important for children's physical and mental health, and it can also help them stay focused and productive during their school day.

One type of exercise that is particularly well-suited for homeschoolers is high intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT involves short bursts of intense activity followed by periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise. HIIT is a great workout format for homeschoolers because it can be done in a short amount of time with little to no equipment, making it a cost-effective option for families on a budget.

These HIIT workouts are great for all levels. Homeschoolers of all ages and abilities can complete these HIIT movements, many of which can be modified to increase or decrease intensity as needed. 

Incorporating HIIT into a homeschooling physical education plan can be as simple as taking a 10-15 minute break during the day to do a quick workout together as a family. This helps break up the monotony of sitting at a desk for long periods of time and gives everyone a boost of energy and focus.

Overall, physical education is an important component of homeschooling curriculum, and HIIT is a great option for families looking for a quick and effective way to get moving. By making physical activity a priority, homeschoolers can improve their physical and mental well-being and set themselves up for success in their academic pursuits. Group HIIT offers dozens of workouts for homeschoolers that help children learn how dozens of bodyweight exercises to improve strength, cardio, endurance, balance and more!

Here are 5 HIIT workouts you can use for physical education at home. Click the link to play the full length workout video.

1. Kids Cardio & Abs Workout

Workout Details: 30s/20s, 3 rounds 1 circuit 


Jumping Jack
Slow Bicycle
Vertical Jump

Play this workout video with music here.

2. At Home PE - Full Body Cardio - No Equipment

Workout Details: 25s/15s 40s/20s, 3 rounds 1 circuit


Mountain Climber
Walkout with Shoulder Tap
Clock Hop
Butt Kicker
Crab Walk
Walking Lunge 

Play this workout video with music here.

3. Full Body Indoor Workout for Kids - Limited Space & No Equipment

Workout Details: 30s/20s, 4 rounds 1 circuit


Invisible Jump Rope
Lateral Raise
Calf Raise
High Knee Tap

Play this workout video with music here.

4. Exercise for Kids - Lower Body & Core

Workout Details: 40s/20s, 3 rounds


Side to Side Hop (Hands on Floor)
Wall Sit

Play this workout video with music here.

5. 10 min High Intensity Cardio for Beginners

Workout Details: 30s/20s, 3 rounds 1 circuit


Side Shuffle
High Knee Tap
Mountain Hiker
Side to Side Hop (Hands on Floor)

Play this workout video with music here.

This is a great place to get started. If you have any questions, let us know. If you are looking for a day by day program for kids, check out Rocket Fit, a 3 Week Program for Kids.